What Alberto Stangarone, Ernesto Pantin and Mariana Martin have in common besides their unique sound, is that each of their current members are highly notorious in Caracas' indie scene since the early 2000's. They've only released one LP entitled
Aeropuerto, and that independent recording got them great reviews and gigs all over the world, including TV. Barcelona, New York, Austin, Caracas or Bogotá, it doesn't matter where they are, people dance, because their language is understood world-wide: FIESTA! FIESTA! FIESTA! You know what we mean?
Hit their mega bass with a quirky booty shake, 'cause
Todosantos' grimey acid wave house and "tukky bass" is nothing we've heard before, though you can easily guess by listening tunes like "Pao!", that sometime during their NY tour last year, they took a shit load of happy acid and danced with white kids at a couple of Ed Banger's parties. You might consider doing that sometime too, you know, before you hit that ugly 35...
Acid Girlzzz is an audiovisual EP that contains 3 pods (or audiovisual & portable tracks) in mp4 & DVD format to be reproduced on your iPod, iTunes, DVD players or DVD mixers for VJ's. Heavy Bass & powerfull club tracks to set the room on fire.
You should also know what Todosantos re-released
Acid Girlzzz EP through Flamin Hotz' Records in a packaging that includes marbeled colored vinyl, a DVD containing 3 videopods & high quality mp3s, 3-D artwork with custom 3-D glasses, and remixes by Cousin Cole, System D-128, Leif, and Cardopusher! Be sure to get that one too because
THE VERSIONS ON THIS RELEASE ARE DIFFERENT than the ones featured on the Flamin Hotz' release, they are much more dancefloor guided and you can listen to them at their
01 - Acid Boys & Acid Girls DOWNLOAD
02 - OMG! We Got It! DOWNLOAD
03 - Pao! DOWNLOAD
Acid Boys & Acid Girls DOWNLOAD 02 -
OMG! We Got It! DOWNLOAD03 -
Pao! DOWNLOADDOWNLOAD SONGS (ZIP file, includes all songs and artwok for pods)DOWNLOAD SONGS & VIDEOS (ZIP file, includes all videos and songs)All songs & videos produced by Todosantos. Music credits. Recorded by Todosantos + Claudio Ramírez @ cromo* Caracas. Mixed by Cardopusher @ home Caracas. Mastered by Jason @ Transition Studios London. Todosantos are: Alberto Stangarone (vocals/laptop/guitars). Ernesto Pantin (vocals/laptop/synths). Mariana Martin (Visualart). Contact: todosantos.com.ve.Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 2. License. The Poni Republic, 2007.